
We apply the highest standards to protect the privacy of our subscribers. "Permission Marketing" is the keystone of the service and we value the relationship with our subscribers.

We will NEVER share your email address or mobile phone number with another service or company.

How We Collect Information

Members provide an email address, interest category selections; and other information such as demographic, geographic, mobile phone number or personally identifiable data.

How We Use Information

We do not use Subscriber information for purposes unrelated to the services offered by It is used exclusively to deliver services. All members will receive a maximum of 2 emails per month. Members’ personal data allows us to make good matches between their interests and the offers, products, and value added services of our Marketers.

We will not give out subscriber’s personally identifiable information (such as name, residence, address or email address) to third parties.

General demographic information like gender, age groups or zip codes may be used collectively to provide accurate information to our advertisers and clients. Again, your personal email address or mobile phone number will not be shared with our clients or advertisers.

Security & Technology uses a secure web server, database, backup and firewall technologies to protect the confidentiality of the information collected for each subscriber.

Contact Us

If you have additional questions regarding our privacy and security, please contact us.